I’ve started dieting?!

So recently I have started dieting, cutting down on food and eating just one meal a day… HA! Who am I kidding? I love food too much to actually not eat. However I have actually started on a diet. For about a month now, I’ve been on Herbalife.

For those who have not heard of Herbalife, Herbalife is a nutrition and weight management company that has been around for years and they have over millions of distributors and clients all around the world.

I decided to start this diet because I was curious about it. I was not overweight or anything, but I bloat easily. So after hearing people who have been on Herbalife talk about the good differences that they have experienced, I decided to give it a go.

Basically the programme I decided to go on was the weight loss programme, because I was 0.5kg in danger of being overweight. Being on the weight loss programme meant that you would replace two meals with Nutritional Shakes. I replaced my breakfast and dinner with the shakes.

Nutritional Shake Mix

It was tough in the beginning, especially with the replacement of shakes for dinner. Since I was a kid, I’m not a breakfast person (I usually drink 300ml of milk for breakfast and that’s it), so using the shake to replace my breakfast was fine.

Vanilla Nutritional Shake

However, I’m used to having dinner, especially sumptuous feasts on the weekend. So I would snack, although I didn’t “eat” dinner. Going on this program definitely took some time to get used to. However, I could definitely feel the change and for some reason, I felt more active and though most people would say “it’s just a shake and you wouldn’t be able to last through the day”, it certainly was not the case for me. The shake has nutrients that comprises of the necessary vitamins you need for your body in a meal, so it is perfectly healthy to drink it.

Now about my snacking habits, you know what they say; old habits die hard. I am still a die-hard snacker and I don’t think i’ll ever want to stop. With snacking, I do get more bloated easily- because by dried fruit (my ultimate favourite snack), I tend to bloat a lot, which makes me look like I’m 6 months pregnant- no kidding. However, out of all the Herbalife products I have tried, the Herbal Aloe Concentrated Aloe Vera is my ultimate favourite! With my 800ml water, I would put 2-3 cap sized drops of aloe vera, and it helps so much with my bloating problem! (So this kind of gives me an excuse to snack more hahah)

Aloe Vera mix with water (AMAZINGGG)

One bottle of Aloe Vera lasts me about 2-3 weeks, and I honestly cannot get enough of it!

So after 3 weeks of going on the programme, here are my results!


Before and After 

I am honestly embarrassed to post the photo above because in both pictures, I was having serious cases of being bloated hahah. (Like why do I chose to have my photos taken when I’m bloated) But honestly, I feel very happy when I see my progress! Having lost about 3kg (though it sounds like a very small amount), I feel proud of myself 🙂 If I had bothered to exercise and go for my runs, I would have lost more weight but I am still satisfied.

Although it will still be a long way to reach my ideal weight (I still gotta loose another 5-6kg for that), I feel that it will be a fruitful journey. I still enjoy myself and let loose about my diet when I’m out with family and friends! If I know that I will be having lunch and dinner plans, I would adjust my diet along the way!

Going on a diet does not mean that you need to deprive of yourself of amazing and delicious food! Going on a diet, to me, means that I should moderate myself on what I want to eat, and what I chose to eat. By the end of the day, being on a diet has to make YOU feel good, and not anyone else.


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